June 28, 2022
8:00 am
On this episode of The Rich Equation Podcast, Ashish is joined by Justin Helvey, a long-time welder who left his lucrative job to become an investor and house-flipper. I met Justin from a Couples Mastermind we both participated in. We came from very different backgrounds and it was a surprise how we had an immediate friendship. Justin is part of Limitless Real Estate Brokerage together with his partner Katie. The two moved to Arizona in 2021 from Wyoming in search of a new community and new opportunities for growth.
In this episode, Justin talks about how he started his journey to become a realtor. With no knowledge and experience, he shared how he made the transition to switch careers and the reason why he pivoted to real estate. He shared his life as a welder when he was starting out, which turned out to be a lucrative career for him. But while there’s a huge demand for welders and it pays really well, he realized it didn’t provide the security he wanted and it wasn’t aligned with his long-term goals. We talked about choices in life and how we are in control of what happens to our lives more than we think. He shared his goals of building a robust rental portfolio and growing his real estate business. He also talked about his new passion project, The Hidden Boardroom.
00:00 – Ashish introduces Justin
03:15 – Justin talked about his life as a welder in an oil field, which turned out to be a lucrative job
08:33 – Justin recalls a story about how he pivoted from leaving his career as a welder in order to explore new opportunities in house flipping.
14:43 – Ashish asks Justin about his mindset, and what helped him make the transition to switch careers
18:49 – Justin talks about the value of being brave as you put yourself out there, having the confidence about who he is despite the lack of knowledge and experience in the real estate industry
23:33 – Justin talks about people who inspire and motivate him
25:25 – Justin shares his next steps, building a more robust rental portfolio and continuing on in the real estate business
26:22 – Ashish asks Justin what he’s afraid of
32:11 – Justin talks about his new project, The Hidden Boardroom
36:13 – Ashish asks Justin about things that may trigger him or make him upset
37:10 – Ashish asks Justin what it means to live a rich life
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